Eswatini: HM Queen Mother celebrates her birthday - African Royalties

Eswatini: HM Queen Mother celebrates her birthday

by - December 03, 2019

A happy belated birthday to Her Majesty Queen Mother(Ndlovukati) Ntfombi of the Kingdom of Eswatini.

Her Majesty who celebrated her birthday on December 2nd was one of the youngest wife of His Majesty King Sobhuza II and mother to His Majesty King Mswati III.
Her Majesty with her daugthers-in laws

 Her son then Prince Makhosetive Dlamini was appointed to Loqoqo to succeed on the throne by his father with fellow co-wife HM Indlovukazi Queen Dzeliwe acting as regent/co-joint. Indlovukazi Ntfombi took over regency or Indlovukazi from 1983-1986.

At King Mswati III's coronation, he named his mother ''Ndlovukati'' and Joint Head of State. She is one of three Reigning Queen along with Queens Margrethe II of Denmark and Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

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