His Majesty King Mohammed VI chaired a working session on January 7th 2020 to discuss the Kingdom’s national priority program for drinking water.
During the session he urged Government officials to speed up the implementation of the National Water program which emphasizes its role which would cover all regions across Morocco.ترأس صاحب الجلالة الملك محمد السادس، نصره الله، جلسة عمل خصصت للبرنامج الأولوي الوطني للتزويد بالماء الشروب ومياه السقي 2020-2027— TheMoroccanMonarchy (@M_RoyalFamily) January 7, 2020
HM King Mohammed VI chaired a working session devoted to the national priority Program for drinking water supply and irrigation 2020-2027 pic.twitter.com/dlnFRTygSe